Welcome to our Documentation!

Our documentation is a set of instructions and guidance that helps you fully understand the functionalities of AI2sql. Each document provides an overview of our different features and guides you in your day to day use of AI2sql. We will be updating the documentation over time and welcome your feedback.


This playground is a great way to get familiar with the AI2sql. There are many sample tables like sales, salary, imdb.. you can select one as you wish. You can generate SQL using the sample tables with your question. Playground is the right place to start your learning journey with AI2sql.


Tables are the most important part of AI2sql. Therefore, you first need to define all of your tables. After that, you can choose any table and start to ask questions from AI2sql.

Your Workspace

AI2sql provides you an environment to create your SQL queries. In the workspace you can start to ask questions and the AI2sql will help you generate your SQL. You can configure your database and choose which tables you want to put in it.

SQL Board

SQL board is the fun part of AI2sql. You can see what other users generated, share your SQL with others and learn from them.

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